Elektronischer Katalog des Medienkunst-Archivs der DACollection
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The DA Collection Archives
General Introduction

In the DA Collection archives, we gather materials that serve the memory and accessibility of historically important activities within digital art. As we can only contribute to knowledge of international development of digital art in a fragmentary manner - a limitation that also applies for all exponents of cross-border digital art - we see our core task as being the construction of an archive for Swiss activities. We reluctantly assume that, as an organizational category, national limitation can still be helpful in historical archiving today.
For our collection of materials we are seeking, in the online archive presented, a form that will bring together the vivid impressions and scientific facts relating to historical development. As Siegfried Zielinski said at a symposium addressing the issue of digital art conservation, which was we co-directed at the ZKM, given the excess of materials and information in archives, it is no longer a case of a successful search result but rather of finding information unexpectedly. Or, as Hans Belting formulated it during the same symposium: "Digital archives have to be reconsidered so that they can exist at all."

Archiv Digitale Kunst 1 (Schweiz)
Materialien, CDRs, Bücher, Dok-Videos


Im Archiv Digitale Kunst 1 sind Materialien, Objekte und Dokumente aller Art enthalten, die sich der digitalen Kunst und Kultur der Schweiz zuordnen lassen.
Die Digital Art Collection macht es sich zur Aufgabe, in Zusammenarbeit mit den wichtigen Exponenten

Archiv Digitale Kunst Schweiz

Archiv Digitale Kunst 2
in Vorbereitung

Im Archiv Digitale Kunst 2 sind Materialien, Objekte und Dokumente aus internationaler Produktion enthalten.

Archiv Digitale Kunst

Archiv [plug.in]
in Vorbereitung


Archiv xcult.org
in Vorbereitung